Below are the handouts that have details about the upcoming weeks. Please take a moment to review them.
New members are still welcome throughout May!
It's never too late to join our ranks.

mb_kickoff_welcome_publication.pdf |

memorial_day_info.pdf |
Color guard do not need to purchase specific shoes at this time. That will be done at the end of the summer.
Note - Shoe sizing is very close to standard sneaker sizes. For young men. go a 1/2 larger than your current size.

shoe_order_form_-_single.pdf |
Tue. May 3 – Kick-off Rehearsal 6p-9p
Tue. May 10 – Rehearsal 6p-9p
Mon. May 16 – Uniform Shirt Fitting 5p
Mon. May 16 – Rehearsal 6p-9p
Mon. May 16 – New Band Parents Orientation 8p
Tue. May 24 – Rehearsal 6-9pm (uniform distribution)
Sat. May 28 – Band & Choir Picnic at WDHS 12noon-5p
Mon. May 30 – Memorial Day Parade 8am-12noon
Thu. June 2 – Rehearsal 6p-8p (tentative)
Sat. June 4 – Elks Parade – Wildwood, NJ