Than you to everyone who has been coming out and supporting us. Your cheers are our fuel, and we will always respond by standing tall and performing our hearts out for you.
This week will be our busiest of the season. We have several events and We want to thank everyone in advance for your time, care, and work to make them successful. We can't do it without you! Our events include:
- Home FB Game w/WDMB Senior Recognition Night - Friday 10/11
- Alumni Mixer Event - Friday, 10/11 7p-10p
- 50th Annual WDMB Home Show - Saturday 10/12
- Deptford TOB Competition - Sunday 10/13
There will be additional information coming out for all of these events throughout the week. Please stay in the loop and reply asap. THANK YOU!
TOUR SHIRTS - They will be in this week. Sorry for the delay.
Show Tickets
Saturday, 50th Annual Home Show
Adults: $12.00 Available at the Gate
Students/Seniors: $8.00 Available at the Gate
Sunday, Deptford TOB
Adults: $15 Available from Mr. Kershaw
Students/Seniors: $10 Available at the Gate
The only portions of the band uniform that are washable are the pants & undershirt.
Jackets are not machine washable, the band will have them dry cleaned at the end of the season.
Please read the provided directions before washing.

copy_of__g2_washing_instructions_.docx |
Mon. 10/7 – Nothing Scheduled
Tue. 10/8 - Rehearsal 6p-9p
Wed. 10/9 - Rehearsal 6p-9p
Thu. 10/10 - Rehearsal 6p-9p
Fri. 10/11 - Football (H) Salem & 50th Home Show Alumni Mixer
5:00pm - Report
6:20pm - Move to stadium
6:30pm - WDMB Senior Recognition
6:40pm - Away Team Band - Pregame performance?
6:55pm - National Anthem by WDMB
7:00pm - Game Begins
8:10pm - WDMB Halftime performance!
9:30pm - Game ends
9:45pm – Dismissed
Sat. 10/12 – 50th Annual West Deptford TOB - Full Lineup
10:00am - Rehearsal Begins
1:00pm - Rehearsal Ends
1:30pm - Lunch (provided)
2:00pm - Competition Begins
5:30pm - Report to Band Room/Dress
6:00pm - Warmups Begin
8:00pm - WDHS Performs
8:45pm - Awards
9:30pm – Dismissed
Sun. 10/13 - Deptford TOB - Full Lineup
575 Fox Run Road
Deptford, NJ 08096
8:30am - Walk-through Rehearsal Begins
9:30am - Rehearsal Ends/Load
10:00am - Lunch (provided)
11:10am - Depart for Deptford HS
11:30am - Arrive at Deptford HS
1:15pm - WDHS Performs
5:00pm - Awards
6:00pm - Depart for WDHS
6:20pm - Arrive at WDHS/unload
6:45pm - Dismissed
Mon. 10/14 – Nothing Scheduled
Tue. 10/15 - Rehearsal 6p-9p
Wed. 10/16 - Rehearsal 6p-9p
Thu. 10/17 - Rehearsal 6p-9p
Fri. 10/18 - Football (H) Paulsboro
5:00pm - Report
6:30pm - Move to stadium
6:40pm - Away Team Band - Pregame performance?
6:55pm - National Anthem by WDMB
7:00pm - Game Begins
8:10pm - WDMB Halftime performance!
9:30pm - Game ends
9:45pm – Dismissed
Sat. 10/19 – Regional Championships Rehearsal
9:00am - Rehearsal Begins
12:00pm - Rehearsal Ends
Sun. 10/20 - TOB Regional Championships @Eastern - Full Lineup
1401 Laurel Oak Road
Voorhees, NJ 08043
TBD - Rehearsal Begins
TBD - Rehearsal Ends/Load
TBD - Lunch (provided)
TBD - Depart for Eastern Reg HS
TBD - Arrive at Eastern Reg HS
TBD - WDHS Performs
TBD - Awards
TBD - Depart for WDHS
TBD - Arrive at WDHS/unload
TBD - Dismissed