All wind players who are entering 8th grade are required to audition.
Everyone attends Tuesday, July 11 rehearsal. 6p-9p at Oakview Elementary
Auditions will be Wednesday, July 12 5p at Oakview Elementary
Hello 8th Grade wind players!
Being a member of the HS band is a HUGE responsibility and we want to make sure you are ready to succeed. Students going into 8th grade are given an exciting opportunity to be a part of the HS band, but excitement is not enough. Through a basic audition, we may determine that you are ready or you may need another year to develop on your instrument before you are expected to march around and play your instrument.
We are asking you to audition to determine that:
1. You have the needed skills to successfully contribute musically. (Knowledge of instrument: fingerings, facility)
2. You produce a characteristic tone on your instrument. (Experienced/quality sound)
Audition Procedure:
1. You will be asked to play excerpts from both pieces we used this spring; "Tribute to America" and the "Star Spangled Banner"
2. Sheet music may be used. You do not need to have it memorized.
3. You will be given one of three ratings:
A. Congratulations! You have demonstrated the instrumental skills needed to be a successful member of the WDMB.
B. You possess some of the instrumental skills needed to be a successful member of the WDMB. We would like to re-evaluate your skills next Tuesday, July 18 at 5pm.
C. At this time, you do not possess the basic instrumental skills needed to be a member of the WDMB. We believe you need another year of experience on your instrument as this will ensure that you have a positive experience with the WDMB. Thank you for your interest, we hope to see you next year!
How to prepare for a successful audition:
1. Practice regularly. Frequent daily practice ensures proper embouchure strength which transfers into good tone quality.
2. Know the material. You have the advantage of already knowing the music, we already performed it! PDF's can be found below. Keep working on it and know every note!
3. Breathe. We want you to succeed. There is nothing to be nervous about. You can do it.
4. Be confident. If you put the time in, there is nothing stopping you!
Playing in the HS band is a big responsibility. Our band has a long history of competitive success. If you successfully audition, you will have the same expectations as every other member. We are a team and we are only as strong as our weakest link. If we determine that you have not developed enough skills at this time, no worries! You are still on track. Take the next year in WDMS developing and refining your instrumental skills. Anyone accepted is ahead of schedule, those not yet ready are still on schedule.
Please email Mr. Kershaw if you have any questions or concerns.
Being a member of the HS band is a HUGE responsibility and we want to make sure you are ready to succeed. Students going into 8th grade are given an exciting opportunity to be a part of the HS band, but excitement is not enough. Through a basic audition, we may determine that you are ready or you may need another year to develop on your instrument before you are expected to march around and play your instrument.
We are asking you to audition to determine that:
1. You have the needed skills to successfully contribute musically. (Knowledge of instrument: fingerings, facility)
2. You produce a characteristic tone on your instrument. (Experienced/quality sound)
Audition Procedure:
1. You will be asked to play excerpts from both pieces we used this spring; "Tribute to America" and the "Star Spangled Banner"
2. Sheet music may be used. You do not need to have it memorized.
3. You will be given one of three ratings:
A. Congratulations! You have demonstrated the instrumental skills needed to be a successful member of the WDMB.
B. You possess some of the instrumental skills needed to be a successful member of the WDMB. We would like to re-evaluate your skills next Tuesday, July 18 at 5pm.
C. At this time, you do not possess the basic instrumental skills needed to be a member of the WDMB. We believe you need another year of experience on your instrument as this will ensure that you have a positive experience with the WDMB. Thank you for your interest, we hope to see you next year!
How to prepare for a successful audition:
1. Practice regularly. Frequent daily practice ensures proper embouchure strength which transfers into good tone quality.
2. Know the material. You have the advantage of already knowing the music, we already performed it! PDF's can be found below. Keep working on it and know every note!
3. Breathe. We want you to succeed. There is nothing to be nervous about. You can do it.
4. Be confident. If you put the time in, there is nothing stopping you!
Playing in the HS band is a big responsibility. Our band has a long history of competitive success. If you successfully audition, you will have the same expectations as every other member. We are a team and we are only as strong as our weakest link. If we determine that you have not developed enough skills at this time, no worries! You are still on track. Take the next year in WDMS developing and refining your instrumental skills. Anyone accepted is ahead of schedule, those not yet ready are still on schedule.
Please email Mr. Kershaw if you have any questions or concerns.
Parade Song - "Tribute to America"New members should select a 2nd or 3rd part when available.
The Star Spangled BannerNew members should select a 2nd or 3rd part when available.