2016 Tournament of Bands, Region I, Group 2, Open Class Champions!
Thank you to everyone who came out to support us at Eastern Regional HS. We love that we have started the pink wig trend! :) Our score of 95.65 was not only the highest score of the Regional Championship, it is the highest score in the entire Tournament of Bands Association! We are so proud of what our students are staff have created this year and we know we still have work to do...
We want to thank all of the students who came out to help us hold props. The wind was strong and you guys were stronger! Thank you for your help.
This week we will host our 8th Grade Band Night! Current 8th grade students are invited to come out and be a part of the band and see what the WDMB is all about Interested students can sign up here: SIGNUP
Here we are... ACC Week! This is the week we've been working so hard towards! Its going to be an incredible week as we work to max out our 2016 program and take everyone to THE NEW WORLD one last time.
Heading into Hershey, WD is ranked #1 and everyone is pushing hard preparing for the final showdown.
ACC tickets are now available!
Adults $20 ($22 at the Gate)
Students/Senior Citizens $15 ($17 at the Gate)
Only cash is accepted.
ACC Performance Lineup :
Here is our ACC week schedule:
Monday, 10/24 – Nothing Scheduled
Tuesday, 10/25 - Rehearsal 6pm-9pm
Wednesday, 10/26 - Rehearsal 6pm-9pm
Thursday, 10/27 - Rehearsal 6pm-9pm
Friday, 10/14 - FB (H) Cinnaminson HS
Homecoming & 8th Grade Band Night
5:00pm - Report
6:40pm - Move to stadium
6:55pm - National Anthem
7:00pm - Game Begins
8:10pm - WDMB (Halftime performance)
9:30pm - Game ends
9:45pm - Dismissed
Saturday 10/29 - ACC REHEARSAL 10am-2pm
9:00am – ACC Rehearsal begins
11:00pm – Rehearsal Ends/Load
12:00pm - Depart WDHS for Hershey, PA
2:00pm - Arrive at Hershey Park Stadium
2:30pm - Tailgate Dinner! 3:15pm - Dress
3:45pm - Warm-ups begin
5:30pm - WDHS PERFORMS!!!!!!!
7:15pm - Awards
8:45pm - Depart for WDHS
10:45pm - Arrive at WDHS
11:00pm - Dismissed