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It seems to be a year of "go big or go home" for our Marching Eagles. Hearing about the different props they are going to use for the field show along with the incredible music arrangements Mr. Kershaw has written from them and probably is still tweaking to perfection, to the choreography James is working on it will be a huge year for the kids. The little preview we got spoiled with at Family Day was intriguing and I can't wait to see more.
To make these things happen Fundraising is a huge part of it all. Here is a little bit of an update.
Spirit Wear: Spirit Wear Order Forms are on the top of the Piano in the Band Room right now since the room isn't put together yet. I have some of them in my magic bag too if you would like to get one. Spirit Wear is due August 31st to ensure we have some great looking gear for our First Competition. Let's fill the stands in WD Gear and show our support of these amazing kids.
Basket Raffle Tickets: Basket Raffle Tickets are OFFICIALLY on Sale! Please see me for your purchase of the Basket Door Tickets. You can always see me at pick up or we can arrange a day/time for your purchase. Shoot me a text at (856)-540-5417 or email me [email protected] This is such a fun night with great food and stunning baskets! We have a bunch of them collected already and are working on more!! Remember, this is a great fundraiser to boost your Students Credits accounts too!!
Clothing Drive: Are you out and about shopping for "back to school" clothing but the closet is full of stuff that doesn't fit, or are there bags of clothing sitting in your trunk you have been meaning to drop off but forgot? No worries, we can help! Lawana is still collecting clothing for our Clothing Drive. She will be at the school Practice nights at 830pm and will take them from you. You can also arrange for a drop of at your convenience, give her a shout at ( 609)-330-4662 or sent her an email [email protected]
Schwan's: Do your kids come home from practice and are looking for the "second dinner" because they burned all the fuel on the Practice field or are you struggling to find a quick meal to prepare prior to practice? Look no further. Schwan's Home Delivery Service has given us the approval and partnered with us for the next 45 days to run a Fundraiser through their page. We make between 20%-40% off the purchases for the general fund. This is our Fundraising link - https://www.schwans-cares.com/c/41301. Head on over and check them out! There is something for everyone. Gluten-Free, Peanut Free to Vegetarian Options are available as well.
Tonight: 6 pm Stand Clean up! In case you have a little time to spare, we would love to have you come out and help us get the stand up to par.
THANK YOU! For all of your support, coming up with new ideas for fundraisers. For the support of the different fundraisers we have going on during the season and outside the season. You truly are the force behind this all, you put the "Fun" in Fundraising make them successful and give us the tools to give the kids what they need for this years shows and beyond that.
I truly appreciate YOU!