"Adapt and Overcome" has been a long standing motto of our band program. The current national emergency is a major disruption to the norms of your education. However, let's seize an opportunity to achieve under these less than optimal circumstances. This is new for all of us. If we all work together towards common goals, each one of you can be a success story.
Below are the guidelines that will begin our journey into this "virtual" learning process. Please remember that school is not closed. School has only moved into a new format for the upcoming weeks. I imagine some of you will love this, others - not so much. My only advice is for you to DO YOUR BEST.
Here we go...
All band class members will need to complete daily performance recordings of our normal daily routine via Smartmusic. Completion of all daily exercises will be necessary for credit for that day’s class participation. Failure to complete all assigned exercises will result in no credit for that day. As per WDHS remote learning guidelines, students have until midnight each day to complete that day’s assignments. Extensions will not be available for any daily class assignments.
Daily class assignments will include:
- Recording of daily warmups
- Recording of daily technique exercises
- Recording of daily chorale
- Recording of concert repertoire selection
Wind Instrument Players:
Students are expected to use their instruments for all assignments. If your instrument is at the HS, you can obtain it Monday, 3/16 between the hours of 8am-1pm.
All percussionists will be required to use a drum pad or drum (if available) for all assignments. Pads & sticks will be made available to all students who need them. If you need a drum pad and/or drum sticks, you can obtain it Monday, 3/16 between the hours of 8am-1pm.
Any students having trouble accessing their Smartmusic accounts must contact Mr. Kershaw via email immediately. Remember! Smartmusic assignments can be done on any computer/ipad with a microphone!
In addition to daily class assignments, weekly Smartmusic rhythm assignments will continue as normal.
Daily assignments will begin on Tuesday, 3/17/2020. This will allow everyone to obtain their equipment as needed.
Please signup for our class-specific Remind: text @wdcb to the number 81010
All AP Music Theory class members will need to complete daily assignments via Noteflilght and/or Smartmusic. Completion of all daily exercises will be necessary for credit for that day’s class participation. Failure to complete all assigned exercises will result in no credit for that day.
Any students having trouble accessing their Noteflight or Smartmusic accounts must contact Mr. Kershaw via email immediately.
Daily assignments will begin on Tuesday, 3/17/2020. This will allow everyone to obtain their equipment as needed.
Please signup for our class-specific Remind: text @wdap to the number 81010
Jazz band members will have an open assignment and be asked to submit anything they choose from our current repertoire which is available in SmartMusic each Wednesday.
There is no requirement to submit recordings, but I would love to hear you guys continue to develop these tunes and share. No grade, no worries.
Please signup for our class-specific Remind: text @wdjazz to the number 81010