The game starts at 7pm. The game has been moved to Gateway HS.
=>We will dress using our alternate uniform (black pants/polo/caps).
You may wear a jacket. Wear championship band jacket if you have one.
We are performing as a pep band only. No field show.
=>We will dress using our alternate uniform (black pants/polo/caps).
=>Color Guard attendance is optional, not required.
=>Front Ensemble attendance is optional, not required.
=>Hornline & Drumline are required to attend.
Since this is a school night, we are leaving at halftime.
Here is tonight's schedule:
5:30pm report
5:50pm Depart for Gateway
6:10pm Arrive at Gateway/Warmup
6:50pm National Anthem
7:00pm Game starts
@8:15pm Depart for WDHS
8:30pm Arrive at WDHS
8:35pm Dismissed
Thank you to all for making this rescheduled event work. Go WDMB!