This week we will have our final performance of the season. We have a small parade event at the Riverwinds complex. Students will report directly to the Riverwinds Community Center where the below map says Parking Area. The band will be in the same attire as this past weekend's parades. Full uniform & Santa hats. Similar to the Amazon event, all students will be responsible for their own transportation to and from the event.
Wrapping things up and moving forward…
=> All Band & Color Guard uniforms need to be returned by 12/18.
All band uniforms must be returned as they were issued - on 2 separate band hangers.
Uniforms will be sent to the cleaners during the break.
Nothing should be left in the garment bag except the uniform. No shoes. No gloves, No socks.
=> Please return your freshly washed polo shirt in a Ziploc freezer bag with your name written on it by 12/18.
=> Be sure to stow your band cap & band shoes away in a safe place, you will need them again in the spring!
Now that marching band is completed, Concert Band and Jazz band are getting ready for the upcoming Holiday Concert performance. The concert is scheduled for Tuesday, December 17 at 7pm.
This week:
Monday 12/9 - WDCG 6p-9p
Tuesday 12/10 - Nothing Scheduled
Wednesday 12/11 - Nothing Scheduled
Thursday 12/12 - Concert Band Rehearsal 6p-8p
Friday 12/13 - Riverwinds Event
- 5:00pm - Report directly to the Riverwinds Community Center Parking Lot
- 5:30pm - Step-off
- 6:00pm - Dismissed
Wednesday, 12/18 - Deadline - All Uniforms properly Returned.