Band pictures have been reschedule for this Thursday. All members will have their photos taken in full uniform. Photos are 4pm-5:30pm. We have individual and full group photos taken so YES, all members must attend. After photos, students will change out of uniform and into rehearsal clothes. Payments are given to the photographer on Thursday. You can download and print out the order form here: Photo Form
Looking forward - we know we will have at least one more home football game to attend.
- Friday, 11/13
- Friday, 11/20
Both of these could be home games. As soon as we know, we will share in the info.
Anyone planning to attend this Saturday's performance event will need to RSVP. This will allow us to manage the anticipated spectator total. We expect to have no issues and will be WELL BELOW the 500 person limit.
Here is this week's schedule:
Monday, November 2 - Band Parents Meeting 8pm in the WDHS Auditorium
Tuesday, November 3 - Rehearsal 5pm-9pm – Video Performance Production
This extended rehearsal will allow us to create a high-quality video of our 2020 show to be submitted to Tournament of Bands as a part of their virtual evaluations. The 2020 WDMB has been working so hard to put this show together and we want to get a high-quality capture of the show.
We want to invite parents and family to join us at 8:30pm in the WDHS Stadium and be a part of the live taping of our performance. Masks and social distancing will be required.
5pm–7pm Rehearsal
7pm–7:30pm Change into Full Uniform
7:30pm–8:30pm Video recordings
8:30pm–9pm Run-through with Audience
Thursday, November 5 – Band Pictures & Rehearsal 6p-9p
4:00p – Band photos begin
5:00p – Group Photos
5:30p – Change for rehearsal
6:00p – Rehearsal
Saturday, November 7 – Band Day 3pm-9pm
With all of the many restrictions placed upon our organization this season, many long-standing traditions and events which shape our band’s culture have been omitted from our 2020 season. We will come together to offer our membership the opportunity to reclaim those events.
All attendees will need to RSVP for this event: RSVP FORM
This will allow us to manage the total attendance of the event.
3pm–5pm Rehearsal
5pm–6pm Band Camp “Parents Visitation Luncheon” in stadium area
6pm–7:30pm Band Camp Traditions (talent show, skits, section presentations)
7:30pm–Change into Full Uniform/Rewarm
8:30pm–9pm Community Performance – All are welcome (RSVP Required)