The WDMB did a great job at this past week's football game at Haddonfield. The WD football team fought hard and showed great spirit despite falling short by only 4pts. We will be there all the way to support our WD Football Team as they continue to fight on!
This week we will be working to get the final part of our show on the field. The WDMB is a band with BIG IDEAS and they take time to develop. The band is primed and ready to tackle the show's closing. As stated last week, attendance is our greatest indicator of success as a group. Attendance is imperative here on out.
After losing 6 hours of rehearsal due to Hurricane Ida, the WDMB is stepping up and forging ahead. After consulting with our student leaders, they decided that adding rehearsal this upcoming Saturday was the best way to get us up to speed. There will be rehearsal this upcoming Saturday from 9am-1pm.
The other schedule change this week is the moving of Thursday's rehearsal to Friday. Anytime the WD Football schedule has nothing on a Friday night, we move Thursday's rehearsal. This eliminates a "school night" rehearsal from the kid's schedule. This is a win-win for everyone.
In 2 weeks the WDMB will be return to competition. Our first competition performance will be at Pitman HS. We perform at 2pm, very early for us! We want to get a HUGE following. Please help us get the word out and fill the stands with green and white!
We will be taking shoe orders for color guard this week. Due to the color guard costumes changing year to year we need to purchase new. This year the color guard will need nude/tan dance shoes. They are $30. You can download the order form here:

shoe_order_form_-_single.pdf |

tour_shirt_order_form_-_web.pdf |
Monday, 9/13 - Band Parents Meeting 8p
Tuesday, 9/14 - Rehearsal 6p-9p
Wednesday, 9/15 - Rehearsal 6p-9p
Thursday, 9/16 - Nothing scheduled
Friday, 9/17 - Rehearsal 6p-9p
Saturday, 9/18 - Rehearsal 9am-1pm