Its another week of learning and getting better! This past week the musicians completed the show's drill; our prop team completed our 2 moving stages and our color guard got fitting into their show costumes. We can't wait to hit the competition field this upcoming week!
Thank you to all of our incredible band parents who worked so hard preparing and working the concession stand. So many hands make that operation a success. Thank you to all who have contributed your time & efforts.
This week we head out into competition and we will be ready! This week we will be working on making our show shine brighter. We work to stand a little taller. Play our music with more confidence. Spin our equipment with more strength and control. Its going to be a great week.
2018 WDMB Tour Shirt Orders: Orders for this year's "DISTORTED" tour shirt will be taken through Friday, 9/28. Order forms are in the front of the band room or Click here: Tour Shirt Order Form
Football this week! The WD football team is hosting Sterling HS this upcoming Friday. We have a similar schedule as this past week reporting at 5pm.
Competition! OK, here we go!!! First competition is this weekend!. The show site is about a 25 minute drive from WDHS. This show is hosted by the Collingswood Band but is being held at Washington Twp HS. This show is very close and we hope to fill the stands with WD supporters! We will be competing against 3 other Group II, Open Class bands. WD Performs at 7:15pm. Be sure to come out and make some noise for the WDMB!
Competition Tickets! Tickets are $12 for adults and $7 for Students/Seniors. Only adult tickets are available from Mr. Kershaw. Students/Seniors tickets are available at the gate at the show. Be sure to purchase your adult tickets from Mr. Kershaw. We keep the proceeds from the adult tickets we sell. Only cash is accepted for all ticket sales.
Uniforms! We will be in full uniform for all performances this weekend (football, competition & Amazon).
Band members will be in full uniform.
This includes:
- Band Jacket (provided)
- Band Pants (provided)
- Shako/hat (provided)
- Black Band shoes (purchased)
- Black dress socks (no short/no-show socks)
- Gym shorts & black t-shirt for under the uniform.
=> Color guard staff have already discussed what undergarments are needed for color guard uniforms.
Amazon Performance! We will be playing at the Amazon facility this upcoming Sunday. We are still awaiting the final schedule of events but we will be performing around 12noon. We do have a call with the Amazon coordinator this afternoon where we will be able to lock in all details.
Here is this week's schedule:
Competition School Address:
Washington Township High School
529 Hurffville - Cross Keys Rd
Sewell, NJ 08080
Monday, 9/17 - Nothing Scheduled
Tuesday, 9/18 - Rehearsal 6pm-9pm
Wednesday, 9/19 - Rehearsal 6pm-9pm
Thursday, 9/20 - Rehearsal 6pm-9pm
- Color Guard 5pm w/Kershaw - Part IV Drill
Friday, 9/21 - FB Performance (H) Sterling HS
5:00pm - Report
6:30pm - Move to stadium
6:40pm - Sterling Band-Pregame performance
6:55pm - National Anthem
7:00pm - Game Begins
8:10pm - WDMB Halftime performance!
9:30pm - Game ends/Load
9:45pm - Dismissed
Saturday, 9/22 - Collingswood TOB at Washington Twp. HS
Collingswood TOB Competition Schedule: Full Lineup
11:00a - Rehearsal Begins
2:45p - Rehearsal Ends/Load
3:15p - Dinner (provided by BP's)
4:45p - Depart for Washington Twp HS
5:15p - Arrive at Washington Twp HS
7:15p - WDHS Performs
9:30p - Awards
10:30p - Depart for WDHS
11:00p - Arrive at WDHS/Unload
11:20p - Dismissed
Sunday, 9/23 - Amazon Performance
Location: 240 Mantua Grove Rd, West Deptford, NJ 08066
Tentative timeframe: 10:30am-1pm
- Details TBD