Competitively the band is really coming on strong. At the Brick Memorial show we earned FIRST PLACE in our group along with best color guard, best percussion and the Mayor's Award for highest scoring group in the entire show! We also took the award for best pit crew! On Sunday we traveled 2 hours to Madison HS and we kept our performance level strong. We earned FIRST PLACE in our group and took the award for best percussion. We were also the highest scoring band in the entire show. The WDMB is representing WDHS proudly and with distinction.
In the overall TOB standings, WDMB fell to the #2 position this week. Our score of 87.15 put us .45 behind our friends from Maryland, Allegany HS. Its going to be tight competition going into the final weeks of the season.
PARENTS!!! Tonight we have our most important parents meeting of the year! It's our last meeting before our Home Show and we need you!! Please make every effort to come out tonight 8pm. Thank you!!!
Here are this week's thank yous...
- Thank you to our drivers who hauled our trailers to and from Brick Memorial HS & Madison HS. It was a total of 350 miles of driving!
- Thank you to the parents who provided and packed snacks for our bus rides.
- Thank you to everyone who made the journey to Brick Memorial and/or Madison. Your support is amazing! BTW - We won the award for "Best Fans" at Madison!
- Thank you and Congratulations to our pit crew! You guys are the best! Congratulations on your award from the Brick Memorial show, "Best Pit Crew."
This week we will be refining our program. We will be adding in our prop panels, color guard costume enhancements and thematic sound effects. We always have more to add each week!
Here is this week's schedule:
Monday, 10/3 - Band Parents Meeting - 8pm
Tuesday, 10/4 - Rehearsal 6pm-9pm
Wednesday, 10/5 - Rehearsal 6pm-9pm
Thursday, 10/6 - Rehearsal 6pm-9pm
Friday, 10/7 - FB (H) Sterling HS
"Hall of Fame" Game
5:00pm - Report
6:30pm - Move to stadium
6:40pm - Sterling Band-Pregame performance
6:55pm - National Anthem
7:00pm - Game Begins
8:10pm - WDMB Halftime performance!
9:30pm - Game ends/Load
9:45pm - Dismissed
Saturday, 10/8 - Clearview Regional TOB
12:30p - Rehearsal Begins
4:00p - Rehearsal Ends/Load/Meal (provided)
6:15p - Depart for Clearview Regional HS
6:45p - Arrive at Clearview Regional HS
8:45p - WDHS Performs
10:00p - Awards
10:45p - Depart for WDHS
11:15p - Arrive at WDHS
11:30p - Dismissed