2017 Tournament of Bands, Region I, Group 2, Open Class Champions!
It's been an amazing week! We came off our home show and went right into another busy week. We had WD Middle School Night and Senior Recognition night in the middle of our biggest home FB game of the season. Thank you to all of our hard working parents who came out to yield another successful event.
Thank you to our band parents who again came through on our prop lattice additions. The staircases never looked better!
Thank you to everyone who came out to support us at Eastern Regional HS. There is no doubt that our parents, family and friends are in the stands! We hear you and we love it! Our score of 97.30 was not only the highest score of our Regional Championship, it is the highest score in the entire Tournament of Bands Association! This is also a WDHS record high Regional championship score. Our previous high score was 96.45 set in 2014. We are so proud of what our students are staff have created this year and we know we still have work to do...
Last night we handed out all of our band pictures. If you ordered pictures and didn't get them OR if something is missing from your order please contact the photographer directly: JMJ Photography - John Jablonowski (856) 845-8066
Heading into Hershey, WD is ranked #1 and everyone is pushing hard preparing for the final showdown. The full ACC schedule will be posted later this week.
ACC tickets are now available!
Adults $20 ($22 at the Gate)
Students/Senior Citizens $15 ($17 at the Gate)
Only cash is accepted.
ACC Performance Lineup :
This week we will continue refining every detail of our show. We have an away FB game at Cinnaminson. Below is our light schedule for the week.
Here is this week's schedule:
Monday, 10/23 – Nothing Scheduled
Tuesday, 10/24 - Rehearsal 6pm-9pm
Wednesday, 10/25 - Rehearsal 6pm-9pm
Thursday, 10/26 - Rehearsal 6pm-9pm (load trailer)
Friday, 10/27 - FB (A) Cinnaminson HS
4:00pm - Report/Load buses
4:30pm - Depart for Cinnaminson HS
6:40pm - WDMB Pregame performance
6:55pm - National Anthem
7:00pm - Game Begins
9:30pm - Game ends
9:45pm - Depart for WDHS
10:15pm - Arrive at WDHS/Unload
10:30pm - Dismissed
Saturday 10/29 - Nothing Scheduled
Sunday 10/30 - Nothing Scheduled