many of you have given in prepping the stand, preparing and serving food, and cleaning up after each event is greatly appreciated. As always, our organization has taken on its duties with pride and distinction. Thank you to all involved.
=> All Cheesecake Orders are due this Tuesday by 2:06pm to Mr. Kershaw!
=> Jazz band will start after school rehearsals this Wednesday.
=> WDMB rehearsal Wednesday, 11/20. We will be rehearsing 6pm-8pm preparing for our upcoming Christmas parades.
=> For everyone's planning purposes I am including next week's schedule in this weeks email as well.
Next week (11/26) we will be heading to our middle school to perform. We will be doing two assemblies. One for the entire 8th grade and one for all 5th-8th grade band & choir students. Our band members are asked to report to WDHS at 7am. We will be in full uniform for our performances. Percussion students may report directly to the middle school and must be there by 7:30am.
FINAL PERFORMANCE of our ACC winning program, Parisian Portraits, will be next Saturday (11/30) at the Paulsboro football game. Let's finish this season strong!
Here is THIS week's schedule:
Monday 11/18 - Nothing Scheduled
Tuesday 11/19 - Nothing Scheduled
Wednesday 11/20 - Jazz (2:15-3:10) & WDMB (6pm-8pm)
Thursday 11/21 - Nothing Scheduled
Friday 11/22 - Nothing Scheduled
Here is NEXT week's schedule:
Monday 11/25 - Nothing Scheduled
Tuesday 11/26 - WD Middle School Performance (7am report at HS)
Wednesday 11/27 - Nothing Scheduled
Thursday 11/28 - FB @Paulsboro
8:00am - Report/Load
8:30am - Depart for Paulsboro HS
8:50am - Arrive at Paulsboro HS/Unload/Warm-ups
9:40am - Pregame Performance - Final Run-Through!
10:00am - Game Begins
12:30pm - Game ends/Load
12:45pm - Depart for WDHS
1:05pm - Arrive at WDHS/Unload
1:30pm - Dismissed
Friday 11/29 - Nothing Scheduled
Saturday 11/30 - Nothing Scheduled