This week we will be completing the show. Last Friday we ran into some poor weather but used the time productively and came out ready to get the finale completed. We are planning on performing the entire show this week.
This past week we were able to get everyone fitted for their full band uniforms.
=> THANK YOU to the parents who were on hand to hem pants!
Full uniforms will be distributed this Wednesday!
We will have a final decision about this week's performance attire on Wednesday but we are looking at being in full uniform (band & guard) for this week's FB performance!
Anyone still needing shoes (band & guard) must turn in their orders by the end of rehearsal this Tuesday to ensure shoes arrive in time for Friday.
It is impossible for the band to alter schedules and/or procedures to meet every personal request. Our schedules and policies are designed to ensure we remain safe, organized and productive. I am very concerned about the number of personal notifications I have received informing me of when students will either miss, arrive late or leave early from band events and rehearsals. Please ask yourself the following..."If everyone did this, what would happen?" You would quickly realize that if everyone left early or arrived late, the band's progress and success would be diminished and the work of setup or packing up would be in the hands of the remaining few. We know the band schedule is demanding, but I am already experiencing more than average amounts of conflicts and personal notifications. Thank you for your consideration.
Tonight we have a band parents meeting at 8pm in the HS band room. We are entering our busy season with event planning as concession stand and home show crews are forming. We need you! Please plan to attend! Thank you.
Monday, 9/9 - Band Parents Meeting 8pm - HS Band Room
Tuesday, 9/10 - Rehearsal 6pm-9pm
Wednesday, 9/11 - Rehearsal 6pm-9pm
- Full uniforms will be distributed after rehearsal
Thursday, 9/12 - Rehearsal 6pm-9pm
Friday, 9/13 - FB Performance (H) Collingswood HS
5:00pm - Report
6:30pm - Move to stadium
6:40pm - Collingswood Band-Pregame performance
6:55pm - National Anthem
7:00pm - Game Begins
8:10pm - WDMB Halftime performance!
9:30pm - Game ends/Load
9:45pm - Dismissed